TC affiliated scholar Cheryl Cooky publishes 25-year study on coverage of women’s sports

Dr. Cheryl Cooky, PurdueTucker Center affiliated scholar Dr. Cheryl Cooky (Purdue University) and her colleagues Michael Messner and Michela Musto (University of Southern California) have released “It’s Dude Time!: A quarter century of excluding women’s sports in televised news and highlight shows,” a five-year update to a 25-year longitudinal study. The research, sponsored by the University of Michigan’s Sport, Health, and Activity Research and Policy (SHARP) Center, indicates that the quantity of coverage of women’s sports in televised sports news and highlights shows remains dismally low with network affiliate sports news programs devoting only 3.2% of broadcast time to women’s sports and ESPN’s SportsCenter devoting a scant 2% of broadcast time to women’s sports. To download a free PDF copy of the study, please click here.

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