Wilson publishes pair of articles

WilsonP-2013Doctoral candidate Patrick Wilson recently had an article published in both the South African Medical Journal (SAMJ) and Complementary Therapies in Medicine. The piece in  SAMJ is a commentary titled,  “A balanced approach to interpreting the WHIRCDMT,” which counters another article by Professor Tim Noakes, a well-known exercise physiologist from South Africa. The articles debate the results of the Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Dietary Modification Trial, the largest ever intervention trial to examine the effects of a low-fat diet on cancer and cardiovascular disease in women.

The second publication, published in the February issue of Complementary Therapies in Medicine, is titled, “Is dietary supplementation more common among adults with psoriasis? Results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.” This article examined the prevalence of dietary supplement use in the general population among individuals with the auto-immune disease psoriasis.

Wilson’s advisers are Dr. Stacy Ingraham and Dr. Eric Snyder.