Madeline Czeck, MS, doctoral student in the School of Kinesiology is the lead author of an article entitled “Body composition and on-ice skate times for National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I collegiate male and female ice hockey athletes”, which was recently published in Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. The purpose of this study was to explore positional differences for an on-ice timed skate test and its relationship to body composition. The results from this study suggest that body fat percent was significantly correlated with skating times, indicating that a lower total body percent fat was correlated with faster on-ice skating times. In addition, there were no differences between on-ice skating times between positions for both male and female ice hockey players. Don Dengel, PhD, professor in the School of Kinesiology and director of the Laboratory of Integrative Human Physiology , was co-author of this article along with Erica Roelofs, MS, doctoral student, and Tyler Bosch, PhD, a graduate from the School of Kinesiology.