Kinesiology Ph.D. candidate Eydie Kramer, who is advised by Daheia Barr-Anderson, Ph.D., Kinesiology assistant professor and director of the Behavioral Physical Activity Laboratory, presented a poster on Friday, April 6, at the Northland American College of Sports Medicine (NACSM) Regional Meeting at St. Catherine’s University in St. Paul. Her poster, “Brief Interventions Mitigate Weight-Dependent Exercise and Healthy Eater Disparities in Adolescent Girls,” was co-authored with Barr-Anderson and describes a pilot study conducted in summer 2017 in youth health camps located in Colorado and Wisconsin. Their poster was selected for the Annual ACSM President’s Cup Award, and will be showcased at the ACSM Annual Meeting in Minneapolis on May 31st, 2018.
Kramer also was selected to receive a $1,000 NACSM Student Research Award to fund her study this summer, “S.P.L.A.S.H. (Swimming. Positive Perceptions. Lifestyle-Change. Activity. Strength. Healthy Habits.) Into Fitness! A Behavioral Swim Camp and eHealth Intervention for Overweight and Obese Adolescent Girls.”