Dr. Zan Gao, assistant professor in the School of Kinesiology and director of the Physical Activity Epidemiology Lab (PAEL), was featured on KSTP in a feature on how “Exercise-Based Video Games May Improve Students’ Fitness, Grades.”
The piece describes the concept of exergaming and how Gao is working with the Ann Sullivan school in Minneapolis on his research. His previous studies point to many different benefits of exergaming for students.
Exergaming is great for fitness because students are moving, according to Gao. But it may also “…help improve grades because it forces students to use the same part of their brain as they might for — as an example — a math problem,” he said.
Research on exergaming and its impact on grades will begin next week in the school.
See the KSTP story below and read more on Gao’s research.