Weiss publishes in Oxford Handbook of Human Motivation

Dr. Maureen Weiss

Kinesiology professor Maureen Weiss, PhD, has published a chapter in the Oxford Handbook of Human Motivation, 2nd Ed., edited by Prof. Richard Ryan. Weiss’s chapter, “Motivational Processes in Youth Sport and Physical Activity,” synthesizes theory-driven research on determinants and outcomes of physical activity motivation and participation among children and adolescents. All contemporary theories of motivation are represented in the handbook, as well as a number of scholars in specialty areas and applied topics.

The handbook is part of an ambitious ongoing project undertaken by Oxford University Press that entails a comprehensive library covering the complete field of psychology, edited by distinguished scholars in their areas. The Library comprises handbooks in the truest sense of the word: books that summarize and synthesize a topic, define the current scholarship, and set the agenda for future research. The handbooks are published as hardbound books, but are being developed with electronic delivery in mind so that content is integrated across topics and available as a fully integrated electronic library.