CEHD News Kinesiology

CEHD News Kinesiology

Kane to give invited presentation to Federal Bar Association

KaneMJ-2005.jpgDr. Mary Jo Kane, Kinesiology professor of sport sociology and director of the Tucker Center, has been invited to give a presentation at the Minnesota Chapter of the Federal Bar Association Luncheon Series.
Kane will present “Title IX at 40: Changing the Landscape in Women’s Sports” at the Minneapolis Club on Wednesday, February 22.

LaVoi discusses exercise and relationships in Star Tribune

LaVoiN-2010 Nicole LaVoi, Ph.D., lecturer and associate director of the Tucker Center, was mentioned in a Star Tribune article on the impact of exercise on relationships.
“Exercising together is a way to be engaged in a real way and step away and be unplugged,” said LaVoi. “Research shows it can improve sexual health, as well.”

PhD Kinesiology student Azizah Jor’dan accepts Postdoctoral Fellowship

jord0154Ms. Azizah Jor’dan, doctoral candidate in Kinesiology, has accepted an NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship at Indiana University.
Ms. Jor’dan is obtaining her PhD in Movement Science and is a member of the School’s Affordance Perception-Action Laboratory (APAL). Her advisor is Prof. Michael Wade. Her post-doc mentor will be Prof. Geoffrey Bingham in the Indiana Psychological and Brain Sciences department. Ms. Jor’dan will continue her research program in studying the relationship of postural control changes of individuals while engaged in both perceptual and cognitive tasks.

Brown and Lundstrom publications accepted by Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise

Kinesiology Ph.D students Scott Brown and Chris Lundstrom recently had two publications accepted for print in the journal of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. The following are citations for each:
Brown, S.R., Ingraham, S.J., Yank, J.R. & Langen, J.M. (2012). Body composition and weight changes based on gender during a 15-week marathon training program. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44:5 Supplement. In Press.
Lundstrom, C.J., Ingraham, S. J., & Rhodes, G.S. (2012). Field testing vs. physiological testing in novice marathoners. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44:5 Supplement. In Press.
Also contriubting to the publications were Dr. Stacy Ingraham, adviser to both Brown and Lundstrom; Greg Rhodes, Ph.D. student of Dr. Stacy Ingraham; Jordan Langen, Kinesiology student and McNair Scholar under the direction of Dr. Stacy Ingraham; and Dr. Jane Yank, adjunct instructor for Kinesiology.

Scibora publishes in Obesity Surgery

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADr. Lesley Scibora, postdoctoral associate in the School of Kinesiology exercise science area, recently published in the journal, Obesity Surgery, with collaborators from the University of Minnesota Fairview Weight Loss Surgery Center. The full citation for the article is:
Scibora L., Ikramuddin S., Buchwald H., Petit M.A. Examining the link between bariatric surgery, bone loss and osteoporosis: a review of bone density studies. Obesity Surgery. 10.1007/s11695-012-0596-1
Read the article at: http://www.springerlink.com/content/54607788707j1117/

Ph.D. student Patrick Wilson has article accepted for publication

Patrick Wilson, kinesiology Ph.D. student in the Exercise Physiology emphasis, recently had an article accepted for publication. His article, “Psoriasis and physical activity: a review,” will be published in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology. The listed authors are P.B. Wilson, K.A. Bohjanen, S.J. Ingraham, and A.S. Leon.
Wilson is advised by Dr. Stacy Ingraham and Dr. Art Leon.

Dengel publishes in Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging

DengelD-2005Dr. Donald Dengel, Kinesiology associate professor of exercise physiology, along with current and former graduate advisees, had an article published in Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging. The citation is as follows:
McCue MC, Marlatt KL, Kelly AS, Steinberger J, Dengel DR: Evaluation of gender differences in endothelium-independent dilation using peripheral arterial tonometry. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging 32:94-98, 2012.
Authors McCue (Meghan) and Marlatt (Kara) are both current PhD students studying exercise physiology. Dr. Aaron Kelly received his PhD in 2004.

Dr. Connie Magnuson and Recreation students spend Winter Break in Costa Rica

MagnusonC-2007Dr. Connie Magnuson, Kinesiology lecturer and Director of the undergraduate Recreation, Park, and Leisure studies program, led a January-term adventure-learning class, Adventure Recreation, Tourism, and Ecotourism.
Students spent ten days of their winter break in Costa Rica learning about the diversity of the country. Their itinerary included coffee plantation tours, national park visits, and an overnight camping trip through the coastal jungle. View the highlights slideshow here.

Nicole LaVoi selected to serve on espnW advisory panel

LaVoiN-2010Dr. Nicole LaVoi, Kinesiology lecturer in sport and exercise psychology and sport sociology and associate director of the Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport, was recently invited to serve on espnW’s 2012 advisory panel. She joins an impressive group of new members that includes the founding president of the WNBA, the vice president of the Phoenix Mercury and Phoenix Suns, an Olympic swimmer, and the director of the Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport Chair at the University of Central Florida.
Comprised of 25 members, the panel serves as an integral connector between espnW and the women + sports culture, and establishes espnW as ESPN’s brand platform for women that “connects female fans to the sports they love and follow.”

Second Annual Tucker Center Film Festival plays to full house

tcffOver 160 people attended the Second Annual Tucker Center Film Festival at TCF Bank Stadium on January 30. The festival featured Salaam Dunk, as well as the locally-produced short film, Grappling Girls and a sneak preview of Ready to Fly. The event was part of the 26th annual celebration of National Girls and Women in Sports Day (NGWSD), which continues on Wednesday, February 1, with events at the State Capitol and the U of M campus.

Stoffregen gives talks aboard M/V Explorer

StoffregenT-2007Dr. Thomas Stoffregen, Kinesiology professor of human factors and ergonomics, gave a talk January 26 on board the M/V Explorer, steaming southeast off the South American coast en route to the mouth of the Amazon. Dr. Stoffregen is heading an international research team that has conducted the first-ever experimental research on how people alter their body movements as they adjust to life at sea. His topic, “The Science of Getting Your Sea Legs,” was presented to a general audience aboard the Explorer, home to the Semester at Sea program. Currently 570 undergraduates and 30 faculty are on the early legs of a 4-month, around-the-world voyage.
Dr. Stoffregen gave another talk January 30 on “Sea Legs Study: Results,” on the M/V Explorer near Santarem, Brazil. The data were collected January 19-27, and preliminary analyses revealed several novel effects that Dr. Stoffregen reported to the ship’s passengers in his presentation.

Ingraham appointed to Student Academic Integrity Committee

IngrahamS-2011Dr. Stacy Ingraham, Kinesiology lecturer of exercise physiology, was recently appointed to be a member on the Student Academic Integrity Committee (SAIC) and will serve through 2014.
The Student Academic Integrity Committee is an advisory body to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost and to the administrative officers responsible for education, outreach, and sanctions related to issues of academic integrity.

Dengel gives invited presentation, has article published

DengelD-2005Dr. Donald Dengel, Kinesiology professor of exercise physiology, recently gave a talk at the GE Lunar National Sales Meeting. His presentation, “Goals of Metabolic Health Research”, took place in Phoenix, Arizona this past Tuesday.
In related news, Dr. Dengel also had his article, “Impact of changes in screen time on blood profiles and blood pressure in adolescents over a two year period” published. The citation is as follows:
Dengel DR, Hearst MO, Harmon JH, Lytle LA: Impact of changes in screen time on blood profiles and blood pressure in adolescents over a two year period. In: Williams CA, Armstrong N (eds.), Children and Exercise XXVII: The Proceedings of the XXVIIth International Symposium of the European Group of Pediatrics Work Physiology, September, 2011. Oxon, England: Routledge, pp. 121-125, 2012

Leon published in American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine

LeonA-2005Dr. Arthur Leon, Kinesiology professor of exercise physiology, was recently published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. His article, “Interaction of Aging and Exercise on the Cardiovascular System of Healthy Adults”, discusses the rate of decline and associated development of significant functional body impairments with age.

Palmer wins scholarship in University student video contest

Meghan Palmer, third-year Kinesiology B.S. Honors student, received third place in the University’s Driven to Discover student video contest. Students were asked to create an inspiring video portraying what they hoped to discover during their experiences at the University. She was awarded $2,500 for her submission.
See Meghan’s video here.

Miller receives Emerging Leader Award

Susie Miller, Kinesiology instructor of Recreation, Park, and Leisure studies, has been recognized by the College of Education and Human Development Alumni Society with the Emerging Leader Award.
The award is presented annually to outstanding graduates who have earned their highest degree from the college within the last 10 years, achieved early distinction in their career related to education and human development, are considered “rising stars” in their profession, and provided volunteer leadership and service to their communities.

Kihl published in Administration & Society

KihlL-2004Dr. Lisa Kihl, Kinesiology associate professor of sport management, was recently published in Administration & Society, a top public administration journal. Her contribution is titled, “The Legitimacy of a Federal Commission as a Deliberative Democratic Process: The Case of the Secretary’s Commission on Opportunity in Athletics.”

Dengel published in Journal of Cardiac Failure

DengelD-2005Dr. Donald Dengel, Kinesiology associate professor of exercise physiology, recently had an article published in the Journal of Cardiac Failure. The citation is as follows:
Burns KV, Kaufman CL, Kelly AS, Parah JS, Dengel DR, Bank AJ: “Torsion and dyssynchrony differences between chronically paced and non-paced heart failure patients.” Journal of Cardiac Failure 17(6):495-502, 2011.
Authors Burns, Kaufman, and Kelly are all recent PhD graduate students. Dr. Burns is also a Kinesiology adjunct instructor.

Dengel leads Summer Olympics course in London

London Group Photo BBCDr. Don Dengel, associate professor of exercise physiology, recently returned from teaching a course in London, England. KIN 4520: The Impact of 1908, 1948 & 2012 Olympics on London, focused on the legacy of the three Summer Olympics on the city of London as well as the United Kingdom. In addition to lectures on the three Olympics, students toured different venues involved in the 1908, 1948 and upcoming 2012 Summer Olympic Games as well as broadcasting and culture sites in and around London, including the BBC (shown in photo).
The three- week course involved 25 students from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities School of Kinesiology, Carlson School of Management, and Engineering, as well as the University of Minnesota-Crookston. Dr. Dengel plans to offer this course again during the 2012-2013 Winter Break when the 2012 Summer Olympic Games planning and venues will be underway.