Kinesiology Ph.D. student Ayanna Franklin awarded the Dorothy McNeill Tucker Fellowship for 2011-12

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACongratulations to Ms. Ayanna Franklin, Kinesiology Ph.D. student in Sport Psychology, who has been awarded the Dorothy McNeill Tucker Fellowship for 2011-2012. The Dorothy McNeill Tucker Fellowship Fund provides graduate fellowships for students working with the Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport. Ms. Franklin’s research interests focus on the psychological responses of athletes to sport injury, and her doctoral dissertation will examine the role of personality in athletes’ sport injury responses and rehabilitation adherence. She is advised by Prof. Diane Wiese-Bjornstal.
Ms. Franklin said, “The Fellowship gives me the opportunity to attend conferences and be involved with professional organizations that otherwise would not have been available to me. Dr. Tucker has accomplished great feats on behalf of women, sports, and education and her accomplishments have been an inspiration to many. I am hopeful that I can be an inspiration to young scholars just as I have been inspired by others.”
Tucker Center Director Professor Mary Jo Kane added, “We are grateful for the ongoing support of Dr. Tucker. Because of her commitment and generosity, students like Ms. Franklin will have the financial support they need to conduct first-rate scholarship that will truly make a difference.”