Chris Curry, School of Kinesiology doctoral candidate and member of the Affordance Perception-Action Laboratory, received a $1,000 National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) student travel grant to attend SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 in Brisbane, Australia, November 17-20.
Curry will be presenting a poster that will describe ongoing efforts to create a game to accompany the Wristbot, a medical device being developed in the School’s Human Sensorimotor Control Laboratory, led by Jürgen Konczak, PhD. Curry is working on the project with Konczak and postdoctoral associate Naveen Elangovan. Curry will also participate in the Doctoral Consortium, delivering a fast-forward thesis talk on his dissertation research, which seeks ways to mitigate cybersickness in VR headsets. He is working on this project with his adviser, Tom Stoffregen, PhD, and NRT mentor, Victoria Interrante, PhD.