Tucker Center scholars present at NASSS

50512_2313850515_1568_nNicole LaVoi, Ph.D, and three Kinesiology doctoral candidates, Chelsey Thul, Vicki Schull, Emily Houghton, and Austin Stair Calhoun, presented at the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS) conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 3-6.
LaVoi was part of a panel on “A Sociology of Coaching” and also delivered a presentation titled, “”The Bully” and “The Girl Who Did What She Did: Neo-homophobia in Coverage of Two Women’s College Basketball Coaches.” Thul presented a talk titled, “Understanding Physical Activity Spaces among Somali, MuslimAdolescent Girls and Women.” Schull’s presentation was titled, “Constructing the Ideal Leader: Coaching and Gender Implications,” while Houghton discussed her research on African American female athletes in a presentation titled, “(In)visible Pioneers: Highlighting the Experiences of African American Female Athletes.” Calhoun rounded out the Tucker Center contingent by participating in a panel (Teaching with New Media Technology).