CEHD News Kinesiology

CEHD News Kinesiology

Kinesiology Ph.D. student and colleagues publish in the Journal of Clinical Ultrasound

Kara Marlatt, a third-year doctoral student in the School of Kinesiology, is the lead author of a recently-accepted manuscript written with her advisor, Donald Dengel, Ph.D., associate professor of kinesiology, and kinesiology doctoral alumnus Aaron Kelly, Ph.D.
The manucript, which is in press in the Journal of Clinical Ultrasound, is titled, “The influence of gender on carotid artery compliance and distensibility in children and adults.”

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Konczak and U of M colleagues receive internal grant from Comparative Medicine Signature Program Funding

konczakJIn September, Juergen Konczak, PhD, professor of Kinesiology in the movement science area, along with other U of M colleagues, received an internal grant from the Comparative Medicine Signature Program Funding administered through the U of M School of Veterinary Medicine. The group of equine veterinarians, a genetics professor in neuroscience, and Prof. Konczak will investigate the genetics and electrophysiology of an equine neurological movement disorder referred to as “shivers.” Dr. Konczak will serve as the CI on the 42K grant. His lab will do EMG on horses and assess their gait kinematics.
This unusual collaboration stems from Prof. Konczak’s associations through the Center for Clinical Movement Science, which has been able to bring faculty from diverse backgrounds together for a common purpose.

Polish delegation to visit School of Kinesiology and Center for Clinical Movement Science

In the coming week, a seven-member delegation of the University of Rzeszow, Poland will visit the University of Minnesota. The visitors are mainly faculty teaching physical therapy and movement science. They are interested in how kinesiology and interdisciplinary programs related to clinical movement science are organized and delivered and how research faculty interact with students in these programs. They will have the opportunity to visit several movement science classes of the School and visit some of its premier research and teaching laboratories next to other laboratories in the medical school.

Kinesiology PhD student Chen and his research featured in Minnesota Daily

Yi-Chou (Chris) Chen, PhD student in Kinesiology, was profiled in an article in the Minnesota Daily today for his study on boxers and the relationship between their susceptibility to post-bout motion sickness and experiencing body sway prior to their match. Chen, who is advised by Kinesiology professor Tom Stoffregen, is hoping that his research will result in the ability to identify boxers who may be more likely to suffer injury before they enter the ring.
The research article, “Pre-Bout Standing Body Sway Differs between Adult Boxers Who Do and Do Not Report Post-Bout Motion Sickness,” by Yi-Chou Chen, Ting-Hsuan Hung, Tzu-Chiang Tseng, City C. Hsieh, Fu-Chen Chen, and Thomas Stoffregen, was published in PLOS One this month. Co-author Prof. Fu-Chen Chen received his PhD in Kineisology in 2011 and was co-advised by Prof. Stoffregen.

LaVoi quoted in StarTribune article on parent violence in youth sport

LaVoiN-2010Dr. Nicole LaVoi was quoted in an October 16 StarTribune article on misbehavior and violence by parents in youth sport–specifically on the case of Thomas Tonda, the father of a peewee hockey player, who last December choked the team’s coach and threatened to kill him after the coach reprimanded Tonda’s son for hitting another player. For Dr. LaVoi’s comments and more on the story, click here.

Allison gives invited keynote on Title IX case law

AllisonR-2007Rayla Allison, J.D., associate director and lecturer in the School of Kinesiology, was the keynote speaker and a panelist at a Continuing Legal Education accredited course held at Thomson Reuters. Speaking on Title IX case law, her presentation was taped and will be available to all lawyers throughout Minnesota.

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New Web site on LGBT issues in sport

LGBTCoinciding with National Coming Out Day on October 11, the Goodwin College for Professional Studies at Drexel University will launch a research and activism network, “LGBT Issues in Sport: Theory to Practice,” which aims to be the definitive resource for research on LGBT issues in sport. More than 20 experts and activists from around the country will be contributing to the Web site, sharing their perspectives on issues that affect athletes, coaches, and administrators at U.S. colleges and universities. Click here to read more.

Scholarship recipient honored at WPEAA Annual Fall Reunion Breakfast

Smith-M-2012M.Ed. student Megan Smith was recognized at the University of Minnesota Physical Education Alumnae Association’s (WPEAA) Annual Fall Reunion Breakfast as the recipient of the WPEAA’s scholarship. Smith entered the M.Ed. initial licensure program in June 2012 to complete her masters degree and to work towards teaching licenses in physical education, health education, and developmental and adapted physical education (DAPE). She is currently student teaching in the Minneapolis School District and coaching cross country at a local high school. Smith competed on the U of M track and field team during her undergraduate career as a student in the School of Kinesiology.

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Stoffregen receives press for motion sickness research

tas2.jpgThomas Stoffregen, Ph.D., professor in the School of Kinesiology, was recently interviewed by AM 1390 “The Fan”, a St. Cloud-based radio station regarding his research linking body sway and motion sickness.

Kinesiology Ph.D. student wins Twin Cities 10K

LundstromC-2012This past weekend, Chris Lundstrom, kinesiology Ph.D. student and instructor in the Physical Activity Program, won the Twin Cities 10K (6.2 miles) with a time of 32:14 (5:11 min/mile). The TC 10K kicks off the events of the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon Weekend.
An advisee of Dr. Stacy Ingraham and Dr. Arthur Leon, Lundstrom fittingly teaches PE 1262: Marathon Training each Spring.

Allison gives keynote address to Women’s Physical Education Alumnae Assocation

AllisonR-2007Rayla Allison, J.D., associate director and lecturer in the School of Kinesiology, gave the keynote address at the Annual Fall Reunion Breakfast of the University of Minnesota Women’s Physical Education Alumnae Association. Allison’s two-part presentation was titled, “School of Kinesiology Vision in the 21st Century,” and “Title IX Update and the Future.”
Li Li Ji, Ph.D., director of the School of Kinesiology and professor and director of Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene and Exercise Science, also addressed the group, and Kathy Healy, Co-coordinator of the Developmental/Adapted Physical Education (DAPE) program, was introduced.

Bhalla inducted into high school Hall of Fame

Bhalla_HOFKinesiology lecturer Dr. Jennifer Bhalla was inducted into her high school’s Athletic Hall of Fame on Saturday, September 29. A member of the Hall of Fame’s inaugural class, Bhalla played five sports (soccer, track, cross-country, field hockey, and volleyball) while at Hillfield Strathallan College (West Hamilton, Ontario, Canada).

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Ph.D. students author paper in upcoming issue of the International Journal of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism

Kinesiology doctoral students Patrick Wilson, Chris Lundstrom, and Greg Rhodes, along with their advisor, Stacy Ingraham, Ph.D., will be published in an upcoming issue of the International Journal of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism. The title of their accepted article is “Dietary Tendencies as Predictors of Marathon Time in Novice Marathoners,” and is based on research conducted as part of PE 1262 (Marathon Training). The course, offered each Spring, mentally and physically prepares students for running a marathon by the end of the semester.

Ji to present at this year’s CEHD Saturday Scholars

Liliji-kinesiologyLi Li Ji, Ph.D., director of the School of Kinesiology and professor and director of Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene and Exercise Science, will represent the School at this year’s CEHD Saturday Scholars, an annual event sponsored by the CEHD Alumni Society. The event will be held on Saturday, November 10, at McNamara Alumni Center. Saturday Scholars is a day of informal learning for CEHD alumni, students and the general public with presentations given on timely topics in education and human development by CEHD faculty. Dr. Ji’s presentation is titled, “Exercise is Medicine: Look Into the Cell.”

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LaVoi discusses consequences of concussions in The Society Pages “Roundtable”

LaVoiN-2010Dr. Nicole LaVoi, associate director of the Tucker Center for Research on Girls and Women in Sport, contributes to The Society Pages Roundtable discussion, “Concussions and Consequences.” To read the full discussion click here.

Kinesiology professors to organize part of 2013 NASPSPA conference

JuergenDr. Juergen Konczak, professor of kinesiology, was asked to serve on the organizing committee of the 2013 meeting of the North American Society for Sport Psychology and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) and to chair the motor development portion of the conference. Together with Dr. Michael Wade, professor of kinesiology, and Jan Hodzinski from Louisana State University he forms the team that identifies and nominates the keynote and senior speakers and reviews all submitted contributions related to the motor development portion of this annual conference.

Wiese-Bjornstal presenting at Mayo Clinic Symposium on Concussion in Sport

Bjornstal-2011Dr. Diane Wiese-Bjornstal, associate professor of sport psychology, is giving an invited presentation at the Mayo Clinic Symposium on Concussion in Sport in Scottsdale, Arizona, on September 28. The title of her talk is “Female Athlete Concussions.” This state-of-the-art, two-day symposium highlights the epidemiology of concussion in sport; the pathophysiology of concussion; sideline and outpatient clinical evaluation; standard and novel diagnostic strategies; and implementation of return-to-activity guidelines.

Kane to speak at Minneapolis AAUW on Title IX

kane-125x150Tucker Center Director Dr. Mary Jo Kane will speak to the Minneapolis branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) on the 40th anniversary of Title IX on Monday evening, September 17. The topic of her talk is “Title IX at 40: Changing the Landscape of Women’s Sports.”

Kihl to present at European Association for Sport Management

KihlL-2012Dr. Lisa Kihl, Kinesiology associate professor of sport management, will be presenting a paper at the European Association for Sport Management next week in Aalborg, Denmark.
Kihl will be co-presenting with Dr. Lucie Thibault of Brock University, Canada, on “Athletes, athletes’ commissions, and the governance of international sport organisations.”

Tucker Center documentary on concussions earns Emmy nomination

emmystv_logoThe Tucker Center for Research on Girls and Women in Sport, in collaboration with Twin Cities Public Television, received a regional Emmy nomination for their ground-breaking documentary on concussion injuries in women’s sports. The educational documentary—Concussions and Female Athletes: The Untold Story—was nominated in the “Sports: One-Time Special” category. It first aired on TPT Channel 2 on October 10, 2011. The winners will be announced at the 2012 Upper Midwest Regional Emmy Gala September 29.
To view the documentary for free, click here.