CEHD News Global Institute for Responsible Sports Organizations (GIRSO)

CEHD News Global Institute for Responsible Sports Organizations (GIRSO)

Lu coauthors an article on social entrepreneurship in Event Management

Headshot photo of Landy Lu, PhD, sports management assistant professor
Landy Lu, PhD

Landy Lu, Ph.D., assistant professor of sport management in the School of Kinesiology, has recently coauthored an article titled “Exploring social entrepreneurial activities at a community sport event in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic” in the journal Event Management. This study reveals how community sport event managers engaged in social entrepreneurial activities and how these activities helped address social problems in the context of COVID-19. Co-authors for this article include Dr. Guangzhou Chen (University of New Hampshire) and Dr. Kevin Filo (Griffith University).

Sport management faculty and students present and awarded at NASSM

Lisa Kihl, PhD
Landy Lu, PhD
Headshot of Mitch McSweeney
Mitch McSweeney, PhD
Headshot of Vicki Schull
Vicki Schull, PhD

Lisa Kihl, PhD, professor of sport management in the School of Kinesiology and director of the Global Institute for Responsible Sport Organizations (GIRSO), assistant professors of sport management Landy Lu, PhD, and Mitch McSweeney, PhD, sport management lecturer Vicki Schull, PhD, and sport management doctoral and master students traveled to the North American Society of Sport Management (NASSM) Annual Conference in Montreal, Canada held on May 31-June 3 to give several presentations.

Landy Lu and Leila Riley, PhD candidate in the School of Kinesiology, were also respectively recognized at the NASSM Conference as this year’s recipients of the NASSM Janet B. Parks Research Grant and NASSM Doctoral Research Grant.

Oral presentations given at the conference include:

1. Understanding the concept of sport integrity in ACT coalition of major participaton sports clubs Presenters: Lisa Kihl, Jingyi Kang and Joung Hwa Son (sport management doctoral students in School of Kinesiology)

2. “When we meet, we play football, it reminds me of home”: Emotions, institutional work, and sport-for-development and peace
Presenters: Mitch McSweeney and Landy Lu

3. Gendered mentoring relationships in the professional sport industry
Presenter: Leila Riley
Advisors: Lisa Kihl and Vicki Schull

4. Examining the evolution of network governance of an event leveraging collective
Presenter: Landy Lu
Other authors: Ran Zhou (Nanjing University of Finance & Economics), Guangzhou Chen (University of New Hampshire), and Laura Misener (Western University)

5. Examining network governance strategies of a sport for development organization: The case of Common Goal
Presenters: Joung Hwa Son & Matt Hilna (sport management master student in School of Kinesiology) Other authors: Michael Jonas (sport management doctoral student in School of Kinesiology) and Landy Lu (advisor)

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Kihl interviewed by Australian media about racial abuse in sports

Lisa A. Kihl, Ph.D.
Lisa A. Kihl, PhD

Lisa A. Kihl, PhD, professor of sport management in the School of Kinesiology and director of the Global Institute for Responsible Sport Organizations (GIRSO), was interviewed (39:40) by the Australian media to discuss racial allegations made by the Hawthorn Hawks, an Australian Football League (AFL) team. Kihl discussed implications of the AFL’s racial investigation and how similar issues could be prevented in the future.

In the interview, Kihl advocated for increased athlete protection and how oversight of sport organizations through government and legislation could accomplish this. Kihl also emphasized the importance of sport integrity systems and how external actors can hold sport organizations accountable to publicly display information.

Antunovic and Goorevich publish article on gender equality in sports media

Dunja Antunovic smiling
Dunja Antunovic, PhD
Portrait of Anna Goorevich
Anna Goorevich, PhD student

Dunja Antunovic, PhD, assistant professor of sport sociology in the School of Kinesiology, and Anna Goorevich, PhD student of the Tucker Center for Research on Girls and Women in Sport, published an article titled “Gender Equality in Olympic Media: A Call to Action” in Media Report to Women. The article overviews key findings on gender representations in sports media and provides recommendations for Olympic coverage based on conversations at the 8th International Working Group (IWG) World Conference on Women in Sport. Both Antunovic and Goorevich attended the conference in November 2022 in Auckland, New Zealand.

Media Report to Women is a quarterly publication that addresses issues pertaining to media representations, industry practices, and effects of media images with a goal to challenge the underrepresentation and misrepresentation of women. Antunovic and Goorevich called for collective responses from governing bodies, non-governmental agencies, advocacy organizations, scholars, and media practitioners to implement anti-discrimination policies and inclusive reporting practices.

Lu and Antunovic receive Janet B. Parks NASSM Research Grant

Landy Lu
Landy Lu, PhD
Dunja Antunovic smiling
Dunja Antunovic, PhD

Landy Lu, PhD, along with colleague, Dunja Antunovic, PhD, both assistant professors in the School of Kinesiology, received the Janet B. Parks NASSM Research Grant. Their winning research proposal entitled “Promoting gender equity and inclusion in collegiate varsity eSports programs,” will draw on the perspectives of eSports program leaders and relevant university administrators to investigate organizational strategies and challenges in fostering gender equity and inclusion in collegiate eSports. Results of this study will provide eSports program leaders with actionable and evidence-based techniques to more effectively recruit, promote, and retain women players and support their participation in these programs.  

GIRSO’s Kihl, Lu, and McSweeney host event for Twin Cities Sport and Foundation Communities

Lisa Kihl, PhD
Landy Lu, PhD
Mitchell McSweeney, PhD

Lisa Kihl, PhD, professor of Sport Management and director of the Global Institute for Responsible Sport Organizations (GIRSO) within the School of Kinesiology, hosted an event on April 13, 2023 for representatives of the Twin Cities Sport and Foundation Communities. Held at the Minnesota Vikings Twin Cities Orthopedics Performance Center, this event introduced GIRSO’s mission, affiliations, and initiatives. Kihl, along with Drs. Landy Lu, Mitchell McSweeney, and Ph.D. student Michael Jonas, expanded upon the work GIRSO does in relation to social responsibility and how others can connect with the institute. Kihl noted that potential partnerships and investment opportunities with GIRSO are a positive outcome of hosting this event.

Lu publishes research on collegiate esports in European Sport Management Quarterly

Headshot photo of Landy Lu, PhD, sports management assistant professor
Landy Lu, PhD

Landy Lu, Ph.D., assistant professor of sport management in the School of Kinesiology, has recently published an article entitled “Relational pluralism, organizational status, and the adoption of collegiate varsity esports programs in the US” in European Sport Management Quarterly. This study examines the effects of different relational and organizational factors on the adoption of collegiate varsity esports programs. The study sample includes 1274 universities and colleges in the U.S. Results from this study show that interest associations (e.g., NCAA, NAIA) and local peer networks (e.g., collegiate athletic conferences, state community settings) have a significant effect on the establishment of varsity esports programs. Additionally, university ranking moderates the influence of different relational ties on esports adoption. The study provides implications for how practitioners should navigate relational ties to introduce and promote new programs in sport.

Landy Lu awarded Grant-in-Aid from U of M Office of the Vice President for Research

Headshot photo of Landy Lu, PhD, sports management assistant professor
Landy Lu, PhD

Landy Lu, Ph.D., assistant professor of sport management in the School of Kinesiology, has recently been awarded a Grant-in-Aid from the University’s Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR). Dr. Lu’s project is entitled, “Leveraging Statewide Senior Games for Active Living.” This study was designed to (a) explore and compare leveraging strategies and programs in statewide senior games, and (b) develop a framework for understanding how different stakeholders can better leverage senior games to enhance active living for older adults. 

CBC article quotes Kihl on corruption in community sports organizations

Lisa A. Kihl, Ph.D.
Lisa A. Kihl, PhD

Lisa A. Kihl, PhD, associate professor of sport management in the School of Kinesiology and director of the Global Institute for Responsible Sport Organizations (GIRSO), is quoted in a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) web article, “Former champion of northern recreation accused of stealing from N.W.T. rec group.” Kihl speaks on potential avenues for fraud in community sport organizations.

Kihl receives 2022 International Anti-Corruption Excellence Award

Lisa A. Kihl, Ph.D.
Lisa A. Kihl, PhD

Lisa A. Kihl, PhD, associate professor of sport management in the School of Kinesiology and director of the Global Institute for Responsible Sport Organizations (GIRSO), received an “International Anti-Corruption Excellence Award 2022” in the Safeguarding Sports from Corruption category December 8, 2022. Dr. Kihl traveled to Doha, Qatar, to receive the award in its first year of offering at the Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani International Excellence Award Ceremony sponsored by the Rule of Law and Anti-corruption Center and the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime. The award was presented in conjunction with International Anti-Corruption Day. The award recognizes individuals and entities that have: worked to safeguard sport against local-, regional-, or national-level corruption; or who have made a measurable impact on reducing the risk of corruption occurring in a particular sport or in sport in general; or who have conducted research related to the effect of corruption on sport; or who have fought to reduce the impact of existing corruption on a particular sport or sport in general.

Kihl quoted on tennis and football corruption at Qatar award ceremony

Lisa A. Kihl, Ph.D.
Lisa A. Kihl, PhD

Lisa A. Kihl, PhD, associate professor of sport management in the School of Kinesiology and director of the Global Institute for Responsible Sport Organizations (GIRSO), was quoted in a Barron’s (AFP) article, “Sports corruption campaigner highlights match-fixing in football.” Kihl gave her remarks during her acceptance of a Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani Anti-corruption Excellence Award presented December 9, 2022, at the World Cup held in Doha. Kihl emphasized gambling as a root cause for corruption.

Kihl and collaborators present at EASM Conference

Lisa A. Kihl, Ph.D.
Lisa A. Kihl, PhD

Lisa A Kihl, PhD, associate professor of sport management in the School of Kinesiology, and director of the Global Institute for Responsible Sport Organizations (GIRSO), participated at the European Association for Sport Management conference the first week of September in Innsbruck, Austria. Kihl and her international collaborators presented three research papers. The first was titled “Fraud in Community Sports: the Role of Leadership, Culture and Management Controls”, the second was titled “Characteristics Of Community Sport Organizations Experiencing Fraud”, and the last was titled “Measuring CSR in Professional Sport: A Delphi Study”.

Kihl awarded Garth Paton Distinguished Service Award from NASSM

Dr. Erianne Weight, NASSM President, and Dr. Lisa Kihl

Lisa Kihl, PhD, associate professor of sport management in the School of Kinesiology, was awarded the Garth Paton Distinguished Service Award at the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) annual conference, held June 1-4, 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia.

The prestigious award recognizes Kihl’s roles as an academic reviewer and editorial board member for the NASSM official research journal, Journal of Sport Management, her leadership roles on the NASSM executive board, and her mentorship of NASSM sport management students. All told, Kihl has served in 10 different capacities within NASSM since 2000. 

Dr. Lisa Kihl at the NASSM conference in Atlanta, Georgia

In addition to Kihl’s leadership within NASSM, she is director of the Global Institute for Responsible Sport Organizations (GIRSO) in the School of Kinesiology, a global entity that partners with sport organizations to spearhead socially responsible initiatives. As part of this work, Kihl heads up the annual Social Innovation in Sport Competition, which pairs students with a sport organization to address a social priority in their community. To learn more, visit the GIRSO website

Kihl publishes article on sport integrity systems in Sport Management Review

Lisa A. Kihl, Ph.D.
Lisa A. Kihl, PhD

Lisa A. Kihl, associate professor in the School of Kinesiology and Director of the Global Institute for Responsible Sport Organizations (GIRSO), published an article titled “Development of a national sport integrity system” in the journal, Sport Management Review.

The article conceptualizes a national sport integrity system that consists of actors, integrity management, and external accountability mechanisms. A framework is created that national sport governing bodies can use to tailor design an integrity system based on the country, national sport organization, and stakeholder needs.

KinReflects on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

To celebrate Black History Month, the School of Kinesiology spoke with a few of its members who are doing their part to promote and encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Lauren Espalin, Akua Tieku, and Megan Netland, are winning members of this year’s GIRSO (Global Institute for Responsible Sport Organizations) Social Innovation in Sport Competition. Their project aims to make hockey more equitable. See more.

Chelsey Thul, PhD, School of Kinesiology lecturer, serves on the CEHD’s Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee, and Tracey Hammell, School of Kinesiology undergraduate academic advisor, is involved in many DEI initiatives.

Why does equity and inclusion matter to you?

“As an athlete, I think it is so beneficial for kids to grow up able to play the sports they want to play and the sports they love. I am grateful I got that experience, but I know that certain people, whether it’s because of their gender, race, etc., don’t get those experiences. I want to change that.” – Lauren Espalin

“When all individuals have access to power, resources, and support and are seen, valued, and heard, is when people can demonstrate their potential, and through this, our community becomes more robust, creative, strong, and resilient.” – Tracey Hammell

​​”Equity matters to me because everyone deserves what they need for a fair opportunity in all aspects of life. Inclusion matters to me because everyone deserves to be included, valued, and respected for the unique identities, experiences, and perspectives they bring within any context of life.” – Chelsey Thul

“We’ve seen and learned, especially the past two years, that a person’s skin color, gender identity, sexuality, and other marginalized identities determine certain experiences in their life. I think it’s important that we highlight and value these different experiences to bring about new ideas, solve problems in new ways and help us connect.” – Akua Tieku

Why and how do you feel that our strength comes from our diversity?

“The definition of insanity is to repeat the same thing over and over and over again. For 200 years, we have followed the same cultural norms and have listened to the same types of people. To tackle systemic racism, we need to gain outside perspectives — The white perspective is not working.” – Lauren Espalin

“When diverse people come together in a safe environment, the community gains new ideas, experiences, and problem-solving strategies. It creates a space for creativity and growth.” – Tracey Hammell

“Since I know I don’t know everything and know my life experience is different from everyone else, it can only be beneficial to get other perspectives and ideas. They invented the saying, ‘it takes a village’ for a reason.” – Megan Netland

“As an African-American woman and a child of immigrants, I see how people in my community believe strongly in cultivating community and helping each other — a valuable and transmittable strength.” – Akua Tieku

Kinesiology focuses on health and wellbeing—for individuals, families and communities. With that context in mind, how does greater equity and diversity benefit all of us?

“When all individuals, families, and communities have access to healthy food, safe spaces, and opportunities to safely move their bodies, our community becomes healthier. Healthier means our health systems can focus more on preventative care, children will have what they need to be successful students, and people will feel that their physical and mental health is valued.” – Tracey Hammell

“With greater equity and diversity comes an enhanced understanding of each of our intersecting identities, increased empathy, kindness, and compassion among us all, critical awareness of privileges and structures that have long benefited some while also burdening many, and empowerment to each do our part to disrupt and dismantle daily injustices and longstanding systemic oppression to create a future where we can all live our healthiest and best lives together.” – Chelsey Thul

“POC communities face high rates of inequity in health care. Places that are predominantly POC have fewer trees and less clean air. And POC communities suffer high rates of obesity. This stems from systematic racism. With all the benefits of sports — improved health, wellness, self-care, mental health, social-emotional skills, confidence, and perseverance — it’s important that everyone gets the same access.” – Akua Tieku

What work is being done within the School of Kinesiology and broader U of M community to advocate for diversity and promote equity and inclusion?

“School of Kinesiology members are collectively taking courses through the Office of Equity and Diversity to further our understanding of actions that can be taken to create a more inclusive and equitable community.” – Tracey Hammell

“The U now offers a Diversity Equity And Inclusion (DEI) certificate. As students, we can take that and get it for free.” – Megan Netland

“One example is the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) task force—comprised of staff, faculty, and leadership—that met throughout the fall to explore structural areas of growth within the School. One of those areas was a commitment to ongoing DEI training for the department. With knowledge comes increased awareness and responsibility to act in ways that support DEI on a daily and ongoing basis—whether it is in the classroom, in the hallway, in our offices, on Zoom, or in any space!” – Chelsey Thul

“The GIRSO Social Innovation in Sport Competition is major. I also see my classes grow more and more diverse each semester. With class offerings like Sport and Gender, the School is making the necessary steps to create informed future practitioners.” – Akua Tieku

Competition Partners Students, Sport Entities to Address Social Issues in Sport

Pictured R to L: Dr. Andrew Furco (judge and GIRSO advisory board member, Vice Provost of Public Engagement at the U of M); Mike Terwilliger (judge, MN Hockey); Wayne Peterson (judge, MN Wild); Akua Tieku (winning group); Lauren Espalin (winning group); Makenna Dowell (winning group); Megan Netland (winning group); Glen Andresen (judge, MN Hockey); Jeff Baidoo (judge, MN hockey); and Brett Taber (judge and GIRSO advisory board member, MN Vikings

What is the role, and the responsibility, of community-based sport entities and professional sports teams in addressing social challenges and driving meaningful change? This question is central to the mission of the School of Kinesiology’s Global Institute for Responsible Sport Organizations (GIRSO) and the cornerstone of its Social Innovation in Sport Competition.

“We created this competition to recognize and reward students for developing innovative solutions for sport entities to address a specific social problem within their respective sport community, whether the issue is pervasive locally, regionally, nationally or globally,” says Lisa Kihl, PhD, sport management associate professor and GIRSO director.

Each year the GIRSO Social Innovation in Sport Competition partners with a different sport entity to tackle an identified social issue. Sport organizations interested in collaborating with the University of Minnesota undergo a competitive selection process, and must commit to providing dedicated staff time and financial support to implementation of the winning student proposal.

Hockey took center stage in the 2021-22 competition, as student teams partnered with Minnesota Hockey and the Minnesota Wild to address racial inequities within the sport, including barriers to entry, discrimination and harrasment, and public perception of hockey as an “all white” sport. Student teams recommended specific socially innovative evidenced based practices and policies the sport entities could implement to begin addressing these issues.

“We are thrilled about the opportunity to work with Minnesota Hockey and the Minnesota Wild in 2022 to implement our strategies to increase hockey participation among diverse athletes,” says Lauren Espalin, sport management MEd student. Espalin and fellow team members Akua Tieku, Makenna Dowell, and Megan Netland, were selected by Minnesota Hockey and Minnesota Wild judges as the first place team, and will collaborate with both organizations to pilot and implement their proposed socially innovative strategy. Both first- and second-place teams also received a $500 cash prize from Minnesota Hockey.

“Minnesota Hockey is honored to partner with University of Minnesota students to eradicate discrimination, and promote equity and inclusion, in hockey at all levels of play,” says Glen Andresen, Minnesota Hockey executive director. “We’re committed to providing all players the opportunity to develop their passion for hockey, and look forward to building upon our leadership in fostering diversity. We couldn’t have been more pleased with the submissions from all of the student groups competing on this project, and it was obvious that all of them took it seriously and were aiming to make a positive impact, not just in hockey, but in our society.”

Kihl publishes book chapter on sport integrity systems

Lisa A. Kihl, Ph.D.
Lisa A. Kihl, PhD

Lisa Kihl, PhD, associate professor and director of the Global Institute for Responsible Sport Organizations (GIRSO), recently published a book chapter titled, “Sport integrity systems: A recommended system for promoting and safeguarding sport integrity” in Arnout Geeraert and Frank van Eekeren’s book Good Governance in Sport: Critical Reflections. The chapter critiques the limitations of sport governance to address sport integrity risks and violations. Kihl argues for and presents a proposed national sport integrity system.

Kihl appointed as adjunct at University of Canberra

Lisa A. Kihl, Ph.D.
Lisa A. Kihl, PhD

Lisa A. Kihl, PhD, associate professor in the School of Kinesiology and director of the Global Institute for Responsible Sport Organizations (GIRSO), was recently appointed as one of the first Sport Integrity Adjuncts at the University of Canberra. The appointment includes working with the interdisciplinary team on the Sport Integrity Research area at UC-RISE. Currently, Dr. Kihl is collabrating on a project that is mapping the local sports clubs and state sport associations to map the their integrity systems and identify integrity risks and strengths.

Kihl is Academic Advocate for Sports & Entertainment Impact Collective

Lisa A. Kihl, Ph.D.
Lisa A. Kihl, PhD.

Lisa A Kihl, PhD, associate professor of sport management in the School of Kinesiology and director of the Global Institute for Responsible Sport Organizations (GIRSO), has joined the Sports & Entertainment Impact Collective (SEIC) as an Academic Advocate. The SEIC is a sports and entertainment philanthropy organization that combines academic training, professional development, and custom events. The SEIC offers the gold standard in educational opportunities that result in success and growth for leaders from across the sports and entertainment industries. As an Academic Advocate, Kihl will join other professors, researchers, and facilitators who focus on sports and philanthropy and provide expertise and support to ensure that the SEIC maintains a rigorous academic standard.

Kihl interviewed in New York Times Olympics story

Lisa A. Kihl, Ph.D.
Lisa A. Kihl, PhD.

Lisa A Kihl, PhD, associate professor of sport management in the School of Kinesiology and director of the Global Institute for Responsible Sport Organizations (GIRSO), is quoted in a New York Times story on the president of the International Olympic Committee, “Power Game: Thomas Bach’s Iron Grip on the Olympics.” In the piece, Kihl shares her expertise and insights about international sport governance and self-regulation.